Our Partners

Our Alliance Partner Program is designed to empower and create new revenue streams for local technology companies, managed security services provider, solution providers, and system integrators by allowing them to add the first cyber security rating systems that can be contextualized to local complexity, challenges, and market growth to their platforms, products, and services.

Why Become a
Global Trust Alliance Partner?

Cyber Alliance understands that humanizing technology and further establishing regulatory harmony across geographies is a collective effort. Our partners are a part of the Cyber Alliance ecosystem. In each market across the continent of Africa, local companies have a clearer understanding of cultural and market nuances that impact the speed of adoption and acceptance of cyber security.

They also have a day-to-day view on the level of digitalization that has occurred in key business verticals within a given market. Cyber Alliance sees those factors as assets program partners can maximize to generate revenue for their own companies by reducing the cyber vulnerability of their customer base. Program partners are assisting the growth of local businesses by helping them create and market a cyber posture that is Locally and Globally Trusted.

Why Become a Channel Partner?

Our channel partners are committed to economic development and transforming the depth of technologies impact. Innovation may be an equalizer, but it’s not inherently inclusive. If the success of your organization or business is directly tied to the growth of other businesses, you may be a perfect channel partner to help CyberAlliance reduce cyber risk and scale global cyber Trust.

Become a Partner

How our partners are positioned in their markets is important to us. We developed this program to help our partners differentiate themselves from competition and enhance their market value.

Benefits of Partnering

If you understand your market and want to expand your market presence, the Cyber Trust Score Alliance is the ecosystem for you. The Alliance consists of forward-thinking security consultants, ISPs, technology solution and tool providers that are committed to reducing the cyber threat surface of their own business and the businesses they can reach.

  • Partner recognition
  • Deal Registration
  • New revenue streams
  • Sales, training, and technical support
  • Joint go-to-market strategy planning
  • Access and alignment to Cyber Alliance’s suite of cyber security products and services

As a non-exclusive sales and marketing reseller Affiliate, CyberAlliance pays commissions, per the terms of your Affiliate agreement, for the CyberAlliance Cyber Trust Score™ revenue received from new customers referred by Affiliate.

Reporting A Lead

Registering A Lead

The CyberAlliance sales team documents the lead in CyberAlliance’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The registered lead tracks and specifies which Affiliate sales associate/rep submitted the lead. CRM is also used for tracking commissions due to Affiliate under your Affiliate Agreement.

Contacting The Lead

The Cyber Alliance sales team will contact the lead generated by the Affiliate, promote, demo the Cyber Alliance Trust Score, and potentially other CA products and services and work with Affiliate to close the sale. The Affiliate will be kept abreast of the progress of the sale and will be engaged to collaboratively execute aspects of the desired solutions.

Monthly Reporting Of Leads

The Affiliate will be provided a confidential monthly report which will provide a sales update of the leads submitted. Commissions are distributed to the Affiliate quarterly, as defined under the terms of Affiliate Agreement, for revenue received from Cyber Alliance new customers referred and closed, and for the responsibilities performed under your Affiliate Agreement and / or Statements of Work.

Register Your Lead

Things to Note!

During the term of the agreement, leads generated by the Affiliate should be submitted via this lead generation form. The Affiliate should provide as much information as possible, including:

  • Who is providing the referral? Enter your email address
  • Deal Registration
  • Name of the business or Financial Institution (FI) you are referring
  • Contact name – to whom at the business CA should we reach out?
  • What is their title?
  • What is their phone number?
  • What is their email address?
  • Brief description of your conversation with lead

Channel Partner Focus

Cyber security has at this point been a buzzword for proactive preservation and securing assets for so long that cyber security’s impact on product development and market expansion is not naturally included in discipline definitions. The Cyber Alliance cyber risk rating system is as important credit risk ratings. Building a strong ecosystem requires meaningful partnerships. Cyber Alliance’s collaborative approach positions channel partners as resources for solving many pressing technology concerns.