Our Services

Our experienced team provides managed security services to help you protect your
organization from increasingly targeted cyber-attacks that are sophisticated and dynamic

What We Offer

Our tailored strategies positions us as a trusted partner in achieving and maintaining a
robust cybersecurity posture

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Vulnerability Assessment

Conduct thorough assessments to identify weaknesses and gaps in your security defenses. Provide actionable insights to remediate vulnerabilities and strengthen your security posture.

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Supply Chain & 3rd Party Risk Management

Safeguard the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data. Ensure that third-party interactions do not compromise security posture. 

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Implement policies, procedures, and awareness programs that align with your values and objective. Prioritize and address information security risks, and better protect your assets and data.

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Endpoint Protection

Protect individual devices from malware and other threats.

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Compromise Assessment

Identify existing threats and potential compromises within your systems. Pinpoint vulnerabilities and areas of weakness to mitigate risks effectively.

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Penetration Testing

Simulate real-world cyberattacks to assess the resilience of your defenses. Uncover hidden vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your network infrastructure.

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Application Threat Modeling

Analyze and assess the security posture of your applications. Identify and prioritize potential threats and vulnerabilities in application architecture.

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Crypto Cyber Defence

Implement robust cryptographic protocols to protect sensitive data and transactions. Ensure secure communication channels and data encryption to thwart cyber threats.

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Global Regulations, Standards, and Certification Advisory

Stay compliant with industry regulations and international standards. Receive expert guidance on obtaining certifications to demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity best practices.

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Empower your team with specialized cybersecurity training programs. Enhance awareness and skills to effectively recognize and respond to cyber threats.

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It Takes 20 Years To Build A Reputation
And A Few Minutes Of Cyber Incident To Ruin It!

What Our Customers Get

Cost & Time Optimization

  • No need to buy expensive technology
  • No need to hire your own security staff
  • No time wasted reviewing your logs
  • Optimize your time to focus on your priorities while we take care of your security needs
Easy And Fast Deployment

  • No need to buy expensive technology
  • No need to hire your own security staff
  • No time wasted reviewing your logs
  • Optimize your time to focus on your priorities while we take care of your security needs
Security Information Delivery

  • No need to buy expensive technology
  • No need to hire your own security staff
  • No time wasted reviewing your logs
  • Optimize your time to focus on your priorities while we take care of your security needs
Integrate with your Infrastructure

  • Easy integration with your existing security devices and SIEM tools
  • Integration with third-party security devices (Tripwire, Rapid7, anti-DDoS, Operating Systems, etc.)
Dedicated Team Experts

  • Extend your in-house IT team with certified security experts
  • Benefit from global security expertise & threat intelligence
  • Get assistance and actionable recommendations
24x7 Monitoring & Protection

  • Continuous monitoring of your environment
  • Real-time analysis and event correlation
  • Incident response management
  • 2-hour log review guarantee
Dedicated Team Of Security Experts

  • Extend your in-house IT team with certified security experts
  • Get assistance and actionable recommendations from a dedicated Information Security Specialist assigned to your organization
Security Posture Overview And Reporting

  • A holistic view of your cybersecurity maturity
  • Periodic executive reporting with actionable recommendations
  • Improved alignment of security strategy and business goals
Meeting Compliance Requirements

  • 24/7 log monitoring for PCI DSS compliance
  • Improved alignment with security control frameworks (CIS 20 CSC, NIST, ISO 27001/2, PCI DSS, GLBA, HIPAA)

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